Welcome to the Alamance County Attorney’s Office

Legal Staff:

A picture of several businesses in downtown Graham, with Graham Soda Shop being most prominent
Image courtesy of The Alamance News.

Rik Stevens, County Attorney
Michelle Horn, Assistant County Attorney


GRAHAM, NC  27253
TELEPHONE: (336) 570-4038
FAX: (336) 570-6788

Office Hours are Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

County Attorney’s Office staff provide prompt, courteous, and effective legal advice and representation to the Alamance County Board of Commissioners, County Manager, County Departments, and related agencies. The County Attorney’s Office does not represent private clients in criminal cases (including traffic citations), civil cases, estate matters, or small claims matters in which Alamance County is neither the plaintiff nor the defendant. For information regarding these types of matters, please contact the Alamance County District Attorney’s Office (criminal matters) or the Alamance County Clerk of Superior Court (most other matters).